March 09, 2022 1 min read

My name is Brandon Mayes AKA "That Bass Fishing Dude". I'm a central Texas native dubbed the tallest kayak fisherman in the world. After being medically retired from the military I rekindled my love of fishing which has been therapeutic to say the least. I consider myself an adventure based angler, seeking and chasing those moments on the water that take you off the beaten path. My goal is to inspire others through my love for paddlesports and adventuring.

Full Name: Brandon Mayes
Nickname: TBFD
Specialty: Kayak Fishing
Age: 37 (yeesh)
Current Location: Dallas, Texas
HEST Product: Sleep System Wide & Standard Pillow

Side, front or back Sleeper? Back/Side (mostly side)

Any before bed rituals? A night is never complete without a bit of instagram surfing LOL

Best dream you’ve had recently summed up in 3 words? Wild, inspirational, fun

Early bird or night owl? Night owl

Coolest place you’ve ever woken up in? The Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan

Land Legs or Sea Monster? (ocean or mountain adventures)? big blue scares the crap out of me LOL but I like the water over land :)

Preferred method of getting your adrenaline/endorphins pumping? Music typically gets me going.

What is one thing you can’t camp without? a head lamp LOL...

Dreams & goals for the next couple years? Nothing too crazy! Just continuing to expand and develop my brand. The last few years have been amazing so building on that foundation is my goal :)