Chris, a California native, grew up with the Eastern Sierra and Mammoth Mountain as his playground. Being Inspired by an overwhelming thirst for outdoor adventure, surfing, and influenced by a unique sense of expression has established Chris as one of today’s most recognizable names in the world of skiing.
Chris’ creativity has transcended his performance as a professional skier. An artist and designer, drawing from his nature-driven influence and passions, Chris has been featured on several other signature models and has brought many collaborations onto products with a number of companies.
At the end of the day, Chris is a family man who enjoys getting outside on van adventures in his sprinter, the “Stealthy Marmot,” with his wife and two children. He values a good night sleep to maximize adventures the next day with his kiddos.
HEST is stoked to welcome Chris to the family and look forward to working with him to design the best products for a good night’s sleep and sharing adventures for years to come.
Everyone has different sleeping patterns and nightly routines. Check out what Chris has to say about sleeping in the outdoors.