May 17, 2022 1 min read

Full Name: Jake Sanchez
Nickname: JAKe*
Specialty: BEING AWESOME! and rock climbing
Age: 34 
Current Location: Los Angeles
HEST Product: Sleep System & Camp Pillow

Side, front or back Sleeper? Side and Back

Any before bed rituals? Depends on the moon phase

Best dream you’ve had recently summed up in 3 words? Winning the Paralympics!

Early bird or night owl? TEAM NIGHT OWLs!

Coolest place you’ve ever woken up in? A beach in Split Croatia

Land Legs or Sea Monster? Mountains! but I live on a boat.

Preferred method of getting your adrenaline/endorphins pumping? Lead climbing outside.

What is one thing you can’t camp without? TP

Dreams & goals for the next couple years? Start a climbing federation in El Salvador and compete in the Paralympics.