July 13, 2021 1 min read

Maiza grew up in Brazil and moved to the US when she was 17. She loves rock climbing and cooking. She also loves camping. 

Name: Maiza Lima
Currently based: Great Falls, Montana 
Age: 33
Specialty: Rock climbing
HEST Product: Sleep System & Camp Pillow

Sleep Position: Back and side sleeper 

Before bed ritual: Stretching before bed  

Best dream you’ve had recently? Swimming in the ocean with my brothers.

Early Bird or Night Owl? Early bird.

Coolest place you’ve ever woken up in? I’ve woken up at the base camp of Mount rainier and that was cool  

Land legs or Sea Monster? Land legs 

Preferred method of endorphins: Rock climbing  

What is one thing you can’t camp without? Can’t camp without a pillow (HEST pillows are the best!)