September 12, 2022 2 min read

HEST Rigs We Dig GMC Sierra Camper Buildout Back of truck DuallyYour name: Sarah

Location: Off the Mt. Baker Highway

Nickname: Van

Make & Model: Mercedes Metris

Year: 2019, Automatic

HEST products: HEST Sleep System + Camp Pillow


Is this your daily driver or getaway car?


What do you like most about your rig? 
Compact and efficient yet it has everything we need. Comfortable ride.  Easy to maneuver. Easy to park in cities.  Solar panel that powers refrigerator and usb outlets.

On your average weekend adventure, what is the gear set up you bring with you? How did you navigate gear storage needs into your rig set up?
Food box, utility box, kitchen box, tool kit, folding table and chairs. Bedding. Port-a-potty for night time #1. … so you don’t have to go outside. 

How did you navigate gear storage needs into your rig set up?
Bins and boxes that fit into self made custom cubbies.

Any cool custom details you’re proud of?
We built the cubbies and storage system ourselves to fit our storage needs.

Coolest place you’ve taken your rig to? 
Coldfoot, AK on Dalton Hwy.

Any projects in the pipeline to get the cruiser even more adventure ready? 
Better mosquito net.

Biggest challenge in your build out? 
Problem solving fitting everything in was fun, but removing the 3 seat units were heavy. Then, the dilemma of where to store it.  Also trying to keep the awning from mildewing — it smells like fetid swamp when unrolled.  We park outside in the PNW so moisture creeps in.

Tips for others looking to do the same to their vehicle? 
Use Italian plywood. It’s lightweight and sturdy.  Think about function.  We left 2 seats in because we sleep in the pop top.  Less room for storage but we can have passengers!