September 03, 2024 4 min read

Welcome back to HEST Quest! This year, we want to take a deeper dive into what is the ideal set up for sleeping outdoors. Is it a van? A rooftop tent? The back of your truck? A truckbed camper? A tow behind trailer camper? A ground tent?

With so many options out there, HEST has set out to answer the big question: What is the BEST car camping set up? 

Whether you are new to camping or a veteran overlander; everyone wants to know what is the BEST setup. What’s the most efficient, cost effective, easy, comfortable set up for sleeping outdoors?  HEST Quest will explore all the different setups; sharing the benefits and setbacks of each, plus “how to” tips when it comes to building or shopping for your next mobile basecamp.

HEST QUEST: Tune Outdoor

What type of setup is do you have?

2022 Toyota Tacoma with Tune M1.

How many does it comfortably sleep?

Two people.

Is it family friendly?

For sure.

Tell me more about the 4wd/off road capability of your set up?

I drive a lifted 2022 Toyota Tacoma. I hit a lot of very gnarly roads in this rig and get out in very remote locations.

What’s the kitchen/cooking set up like? Is it inside or outside?

Inside, it's a small setup with a stove ready to go. It's a bit of a DIY setup.

How easy is it to set up, move around, leave the vehicle/go to town?

This is very easy to set up. I can’t drive with it set up though, so there is that minor inconvenience of having to pack things up if I want to drive anywhere.

Benefits/Pros: What you LOVE about this set up?

The space this camper offers for a small truck like a Toyota Tacoma is unmatched. The space-to-weight ratio is great, and all while not sacrificing any accessibility. I can still off-road on all of the same roads I did before I got this set up. The HEST mattress upgrade especially added to it.

Challenges/Cons: What has been a hurdle/setback of the set up? 

Stealth camping with my set up is not really possible. And like other truck camper set ups, I can’t drive anywhere or move from camp unless I take it down.

What are the budget considerations for investing in your set up?

It’s not a cheap setup I would say. Including the cost of my truck, the total cost of my buildout is coming out to around $80k. That being said, mine has all the bells and whistles as it’s also a full-time home. 

What’s the swag level of your set up?  While function is definitely the most important consideration when looking for a rig, we can’t deny that some set ups just LOOK GOOD! How does this set up rank in terms of coolness? 

I mean I might be a bit biased, buuuuuut I think the swag level of my rig is nearly maxed out. I love Tacomas—it's a low profile build and still handles trails, no problem. 

Which HEST mattress works best in this setup?  

The HEST Dually Wide or Dually Queen for sure, and now the custom extension for the bed adds another level of comfort.


What are some tips or hacks that your experience using the set up has taught you?   

Learning to live with less, for sure. I don’t need as much stuff as I thought I did. Having to bring everything I need to live into such a small space makes me prioritize what I truly need to live comfortably.


What are some upgrades you’ve made or want to make? Are there some key upgrades that you recommend to make your setup even better?   

Currently, I don’t really have much more. I think a full off-road front bumper and a rear seat delete for more organized storage. Otherwise there's not really anything else I can think of.

If you had a chance to do it over again would you choose the same set up exactly? 

I love the Tune M1, I’d definitely still roll with this set up, however I think for full-time living, I probably would have picked maybe a little bit of a bigger truck like a Toyota Tundra. I’m comfortable in my Tacoma but there are some times where I wouldn’t mind just a little more space, and a more powerful truck especially.

Would you recommend your setup to a friend?



What were your main considerations in choosing your set up/why did you choose it?

I always wanted a capable off-road rig that I could also essentially live out of. Tacomas are awesome trucks and I love the aesthetic of them as well. The Tune M1 came out and I managed to partner with them. While I am sponsored by them, I truly do stand behind this product. That’s why I moved into it after a year of having it on my truck. I decided I didn’t need my apartment anymore.


How’s the sleep quality you get in your set up? Do you wake up rested? Are there any pain points in the sleep situation in your adventure set up (e.g. pesky light, temperature issues, etc.)?

I sleep almost better than I did at home. Truly. Though, without the HEST mattress I don’t know if I would be able to say the same. The mattress I had in there before was good enough, but it wasn’t great. I guess the best way to describe it is, you could still tell you were sleeping on some kind of camping mattress. With my HEST mattress, it feels like I’m on a bed at home. I sleep like a baby, which when it comes to that being your bed every night, for a long time, that’s really important.

Follow along @hestoutdoors as we meet the people behind these different setups and build outs.